10th Anniversary Lecture: Dr. Janet C. Read

The CRESS research centre is turning 10 this year!
As a part of the celebration, we’re having an invited talk by Dr. Janet Read next week, 5th October 2023, 11:00-12:00 at Reykjavik University. Feel free to attend if this sounds interesting to you 🙂

Title: Designing with Children: Lessons Learned

Abstract: As a Professor of Child Computer Interaction and director of the Child Computer Interaction Group and Future Digital Technology Institute at UCLan, Janet has spent twenty years of doing design work with children. This effort, with thousands of children across ages from 4 to 17, has provided many insights but probably far too few designs! Reflecting back on how children have participated in design work, and reflecting on the products that have resulted from that work, this talk will look at what has been learned from engaging with children in these efforts but more broadly on what children can teach us more generally about UX design. Drawing on these experiences; the concept of ChildLike Computing will be introduced with a call to each of us to consider how this can be applied in our work with humans of all kind.



